Trond Nystad Interview

FasterSkierSeptember 24, 2004

Trond Nystad, the US National Team head coach says that the national team is using the same training principles as the Norwegian women’s team.
How has the season preparation been going up until now?

– So far good. We have trained well here in Park City (1500-2000 meters) and at sea level. Everyone has trained well, stayed healthy and free of injuries. We have concluded after analyzing the last season’s training and travel that we need to spend a bit less time at altitude than in the past.

Therefore, the skiers have had periods where they have traveled home to sea-level. Recovery has improved and we have been able to train a bit more interval training. In general everyone has become faster and stronger. We worked well with technique in New Zealand and are seeing technical improvements as well.

What do you feel is the value of a one month on-snow ski camp in New Zealand in August?

– Our experience with that is good. The snow disappears a bit faster here in the US in the spring compared to Europe, giving us a less on-snow time at the end of the season compared to European skiers. The travel to New Zealand and the time change is easy and the benefits from the skiing are very good. We were able to train on-snow twice a day since we lived right next to the tracks. The altitude is very good (about 1500 meter). A snow camp also breaks up a long period with dryland training. We used lots of time on technique, which helps us focusing on the right things when rollerskiing toward the season opener.


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