Source: — Translated by Torbjorn Karlsen
Lots of volume and intensity. Skating is still in focus at the first camp of the year for the Norwegian men’s team.
The Norwegian men’s team completed their first training camp of the year last week. Coach Soregard wraps up the camp:
– Lots of volume and intensity
This was a “get going campâ€. The men did their first hard training week in their preparations towards next season. As last year the team will focus toward skating and the pursuit event.
– The pursuit is a skate event, says Soregard. Three out of their four time-trials at the dryland camps will for that reason be pursuit.
The men’s camps are on purpose designed to be the hardest training weeks for the athletes. Volume and intensity will therefore be the focus also on the next camp at Sognefjellet in the beginning of June. This camp will be on-snow and technique will for that reason also be focused more on than on the May camp.
This is how the men trained at their recent May camp:
2 hours running intensity 1
1. Moose-hoofs/skiwalking intervals, 6X4 minutes, intensity 4-5.
2. Rollerski classic 1.5 hours, intensity 1.
1. 3 hours running, intensity 1.
2. Speed + strength
1. Rollerski skating, 7 x 10 minutes intervals, intensity 3.
2. Easy run, intensity 1
1. Rollerski classic, 3 hours, intensity 1-2
2. 2 hours biking, intensity 1.
1. Pursuit rollerski time-trial 10km classic + 10km skating.
2. Strength
5/25: 3 hours rollerski skating
Here you can compare this year’s time-trial with last years