
2009 September

Torin Koos USST Training Videos – Double Pole/Classic

The US Ski Team’s Torin Koos put together a number of videos from the the recently completed training camp at the Olympic Venue in Whistler and the on-snow camp in New Zealand.  These videos show the best in the country mixing it up during training.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, when it comes to technique, video is off the charts. USST Mens Double Pole USST Ladies Double Pole USST Ladies Classic Torin...

Torin Koos USST Training Videos – Skating

The US Ski Team’s Torin Koos put together a number of videos from the the recently completed training camp at the Olympic Venue in Whistler and the on-snow camp in New Zealand.  These videos show the best in the country mixing it up during training.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, when it comes to technique, video is off the charts. USST Ladies Skating USST Mens Skating Torin Koos is a member of...

Last Thursday, Sept. 10th, Lindsey took part in an interview with Marquette’s ESPN Radio 970 WZAM while attending an expo during the US Speed Skating Olympic Trials. Click on the link below to listen to the interview. >>>>>Lindsey Dehlin ESPN 970<<<<<

LAKE PLACID, New York – For the second straight season, the best nordic combined and jumping athletes will compete on plastic jumps and roller skis as they attempt to make their mark as America’s finest. The U.S. Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined Championships hit Lake Placid during the town’s annual Flaming Leaves Festival Oct. 10 and it will be only the second time the event is held off snow. “This has proven to be an...

For those FasterSkier readers who frequent the blogs section, you may have noticed that we have redesigned the FasterSkier Blog Homepage, bringing the overall look in line with the main site and providing more useful information.  In the past the Blog Home merely listed all the blogs in order of most recent post, with the title of that post, and the blog’s description.  The new design still features a list of blogs in the center...

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The Madshus/FasterSkier Vintage Photo Contest and Ski Drawing was supposed to close today, but we are extending the deadline an additional two weeks.  We have received a number of great photos, but more is definitely better.  Also, you don’t need to enter the photo contest to enter the drawing for a pair of 2008 Madshus Hypersonic Classic skis.  These skis retail for $500 and while the Nanosonic has stepped ahead as Madshus’ top-of-the-line ski, the Hypersonic...