
2009 September

WHISTLER, BC (Sept. 14) – The U.S. Cross Country Ski Team wrapped up camp this week at its 2010 Olympic venue in Whistler and, according to Cross Country Coach Matt Whitcomb, everything is falling right in line with where the Team wants to be. “This was our fifth time up here in the past two and a half years and everything is feeling right on time. Nothing is rushed, nobody is panicked. The Team is collected...

I spent the Labor Day weekend camping with family and friends at Caines Head State Recreation Area, on Resurrection Bay south of Seward. On Sunday, we did a really cool hike up the Alpine Trail. Despite rave reviews in guidebooks and online trail guides, this hike is still relatively unknown. I think it ranks among [...]

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The Whistler Training camp is now over, and it finished up just as great as it started. We finished our stay in Whister with a 10 kilometer time trial up the access road to the Olympic Park. It was definatley a hard workout to wrap up a hard training camp! Then we headed to [...]

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2009 FIS Rollerski World Championships Conclude in Italy

Piglio, Italy – The four event 2009 FIS Rollerski World Championships came concluded on Saturday.  The competitions were dominated by rollerski specialists, but several top World Cup skiers made appearances. The week began with a head-to-head .2 km freestyle sprint.  Athletes participated in the usual qualifying round to establish seeding and the top-8 advanced to the one-on-one heats.  Italian Mateja Bogatec claimed victory in the women’s event over Elena Ektova (RUS).  Bogatec won the 2008...

On Friday after running an hour and a half (!!) with Dan on the trails of Marquette, we packed up the RV, picked up our friend Tyler at work and headed up to Copper Harbor for the weekend. On Saturday Dan and Tyler mountain biked all of the peaks in the Keweenaw which was about [...]

The American Birkebeiner ski trail is a 52km long, 6m wide ribbon of grass that transects the Chequamegon National Forest between Cable and Hayward, Wisconsin.  Maintaining the trail requires almost constant attention.  The CXC Vertical Limit Team athletes spent Sunday afternoon doing volunteer trail work to get the trail prepped for the winter. Every five years, [...]

K: "Hey Laura, there's some building going up here. Apparently they're doing some ski thing."L: "Um, duh, the 2011 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS are in Oslo next winter. I don't know if you know this, but it's kind of a big deal."K: "meh."L: "Well if I get to ra...

K: "Hey Laura, there's some building going up here. Apparently they're doing some ski thing."L: "Um, duh, the 2011 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS are in Oslo next winter. I don't know if you know this, but it's kind of a big deal."K: "meh."L: "Well if I get to ra...