
2009 September

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Skiing and Skating

September 13, 2009

From SoHo to NorCo. That is, images from New Zealand to Whistler, British Columbia.br /br /object width="320" height="266" class="BLOG_video_class" id="BLOG_video-598b7ec1384b724a" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://d...

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New Zealand Winter Games – Update 4

Pavel Sotskov is a recent Dartmouth College graduate who is training and working in New Zealand for the summer at the Snowfarm. He has been in New Zealand since mid June and will be returning to Presque Isle, ME to race for MWSC this coming winter.  He has sent several updates on his experiences. This summer, Maine Winter Sports Center became one of only two US teams to compete in the nordic skiing events at the inaugural 100%...

It's that time of year again! Students are in school, cross-country runners are racing, and the leaves are beginning to fall!br /br /div style="text-align: center;"a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://1.bp...

Here are some pictures from my recovery week in Ruhpolding. Of course my recovery week had some training sessions as well, although I trained less then half of what I train in a normal week.  Yesterday we also participated in a relay race at German Championships.  This was hands down the worst relay that I have [...]

We are winding down another camp in Hayward, WI. This week was speed block #2 for most of the team. We had lots of hard training and we are starting to feel pretty wiped out. This morning, Coach Igor’s wife, Nina Gavrilyuk, joined us for the big OO time trial. Nina is a 4 time [...]

We are winding down another camp in Hayward, WI. This week was speed block #2 for most of the team. We had lots of hard training and we are starting to feel pretty wiped out. This morning, Coach Igor’s wife, Nina Gavrilyuk, joined us for the big OO time trial. Nina [...]

We had the team out Friday clearing trails as part of their recovery workout. They are getting super psyched about the prospects of skiing and training out here once the snow flies. Some of the team cleared brush and logs, while others spread hay for...

emContributed by Raleigh Goessling/em - This summer I had the opportunity to go train at a world class venue in a town that was enthusiastic and supportive of Biathlon. I skied on a rollerski loop with World Cup athletes. I received great support from ...

The other week I led a CXC/Birkie Nordic Walking Clinic in Woodruff, WI at Premier Physical Medicine and Wellness Clinic. 42 people made the clinic ranging in age from 8 to 86 years old. It is one thing to hear about nordic as a lifetime sport but it is really cool to see both young [...]

Building the Engine & Attitude of a Champion

“After Torino, I wasn’t going to spend the next four years to hope American skiers could win Olympic medals in Vancouver. I am done with hoping,” said Pete Vordenberg on the first night of the September National Team Camp in Whistler, B.C. “I dedicated the last four years to knowing we can have that success this winter. That’s what the last four years have been about. This is the difference from Torino to now. This...