
2009 September

New Cross-Country Indoor Facility Opened in Finland

At the end of August, the first indoor skiing facility opened in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. With 7,000 cubic meters of snow covering 18,500 square meters, Ylläs-Halli offers conditions for a wide range of different winter sports activities such as biathlon, curling, ice skating and ice climbing. The main attraction, however, is the 1.2 km long cross-country skiing loop which follows variable terrain in winter surroundings. The goal of Ylläs-Halli is not only to provide top athletes with...

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North American Skier Of The Year Joins The Thin Red Line

Rick Halling is the Director of Nordic Racing for Atomic US. The summer preceding an Olympic year is a tense time for coaches, athletes and suppliers.  The old saying that skiers are made in the summer definitely holds true.  Both the quality and quantity of summer training are highly scrutinized in an Olympic year.  Along with the training, athletes are reviewing their equipment needs and many are switching to what they feel are more competitive...

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Sauce Headwear, Formerly SOS Headwear, Launches New Website

Sauce Headwear, in the wake of a name change from SOS Headwear, has launched a new website.  Sauce Headwear produces high-quality ski hats, which are worn throughout North America by all levels of skiers.  In addition to selling individual hats, on both the web and in retail stores, Sauce specializes in orders with custom logos for teams and clubs. FS Store. Visit the Sauce Headwear website at

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After three weeks of intense training, I am enjoying an easy week of training on my own before the team meets up again Ruhpolding, Germany next week.   Our training camps normally last 3 weeks, but this year we decided on a 7 week Europe camp in order to maximize one on one coaching time and [...]

Rossignol Proud Partner with US Biathlon Team

Rossignol is proud to partner with the US Biathlon Team again for the upcoming season. We are excited to support the best athletes in the country and the most distinguished team. The US Biathlon team shares Rossignol’s commitment to passion and excellence. The Rossignol athletes on the US Biathlon A team are Tim Burke, Jay Hakkinen, Lowell Bailey, Russel Currier, and Haley Johnson. Rossignol’s B Team athletes are Sarah Studebaker, Anneliese Cook, and Carolyn Bramante....

Well, we’re in Hayward again. It’s absolutely nuts how quickly the summer is passing! It’s September already and we can technically consider it fall, yikes. Don’t get me wrong, fall is probably my favorite season, with all of the leaves changing colors and the temperature dropping a bit, but I don’t think I’m quite ready [...]

Lodwick Wins SuperSprint in Norway

LILLEHAMMER, Norway (Sept. 5) – U.S. Nordic Combined Team athlete Todd Lodwick (Steamboat Springs, CO) carried on the tradition of winning he started last year right into the 2010 Olympic season as he won his 2nd consecutive Lillehammer SuperSprint title in downtown Lillehammer on Saturday. Lodwick led the U.S. team in qualifications, finishing second, followed by Nick Hendrickson (Park City, UT) in sixth, Billy Demong 14th, and Bryan Fletcher 16th. The race was in a...

With the nights growing longer and colder, it is time to start thinking about winter and getting out on the ski trails.  Farmers Almanac is predicting a cold and snowy winter from the plains all the way to the east coast.  But, do you have your gear ready to go, or is it time to think about replacing your old, worn out ski equipment? Fischer race director Chris Hall and Fischer Midwest rep Jon Theis...