
2009 September

For the last 4 days I've been nursing a pulled intercostal muscle. Not quite sure how it happened but on Thursday as I was starting to ramp back into training after a few days off I found myself nauseous with pain. I went to get accupuncture that afternoon and some active release in the evening. The pain was down a whole lot the next day and I've been getting treatment daily since.

The training has been a little different that I am used to. It's been stationary. I've been hitting the elliptical or the stationary bike 3 times a day pretty hard to keep the fitness up while giving injured area little time to heal. Thank God for college football and the US Open to keep me company.

For the last 4 days I've been nursing a pulled span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0"intercostal/span muscle. Not quite sure how it happened but on Thursday as I was starting to ramp back into training after a few days off I found mysel...

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The International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA) has 10 trails around the world they call “IMBA Epics” – sort of like the Seven Wonders of the World for mountain bikers.  Atop IMBA’s list is the most famous ride, so famous that Pink Floyd named a song after the trail, Comfortably Numb. I’m in Whistler, BC at the [...]

Friday I arrived home from Whistler and the second half of the camp was amazing! On Monday we had a classic time trial. Most of the NEG kids did the distance time trial, but Sadie and Erik Bjornsen did the sprint. The distance race was 8km for girls an...

Skier Workshops Join us September 18 & 19 at Timber Ridge Resort for the annual WeSki Pre-Season Nordic Ski Clinic. Take part in the Vasa Ski Club Kick Off and meet and greet with two-time Olympian skier Lindsey Weier Dehlin. Two discussion panel sessions will also be offered on Saturday morning at Timber Ridge. During [...]

NYSEF Whiteface Climb to the Castle Roller-ski Race

WILMINGTON, NY — The New York Ski Educational Foundation and the Olympic Regional Development Authority announce the third annual NYSEF Whiteface Climb to the Castle Roller-ski Race on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 9 am. The course starts at the Whiteface Toll Booth, climbing for 5 miles with an average 8% grade up the Whiteface Memorial Highway to the castle on the summit of Whiteface Mountain, New York’s 5th highest peak with an elevation of...

2009-2010 Junior Olympic Qualifying Info

The US Junior Olympic Cross Country Ski Program is a nationwide series of events for youth and juniors ages 8 to 19. Each geographic region has its own qualifying system of events hosted by a different club or organization to select the best athletes to compete at the US Junior Olympic Cross Country Ski Championships.  All events share a common goal: to encourage young athletes to enjoy cross country skiing and to develop their skill....

The CXC team is currently in Hayward, WI for our last Midwest camp of the summer.  We got here yesterday and did some VO2max testing.  Today we did some technique on the roller skis and took it easy in the afternoon.  I’m really taking advantage of some easy days before next week when I have [...]

The CXC Team Vertical Limit September Camp kicked off this Thursday in Hayward, WI with VO2 max testing on the treadmill.  With multiple tests so far this year the results will be a great way to chart progress.   Ideally we will have become more aerobically efficient after the long hours of summer training.  Hopefully our [...]

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We have been in Whistler for a week now, and its flown by! On Monday we did an extremely hard rollerski sprint race around the Olympic course. Between the rounds I closed my eyes and pictured snow, packed stadiums, racers from all over the world, and I could feel the Olympic fever burning inside me! [...]

a href="http://web.me.com/brorabaugh/iWeb/Becca%27s%20site/Blog/B7FBFBFE-3FB2-4305-92C4-BE596271F2FD_files/sc004cd7f7.jpg"img src="http://web.me.com/brorabaugh/iWeb/Becca%27s%20site/Blog/Images/sc004cd7f7.jpg" style="float:left; padding-right:10px; padding-bottom:10px; width:130px; height:130px;"//aI wanted to share my art for the fall: this is the only drawing of mountains that I have done all summer. I had a post on this blog in May about erosion lines and how much I like them; how I wanted