Here in northern Vermont, we are itching for snow but we know we still have weeks to wait. To help pass the time, we’re excited to present the 1st Annual SkiErg World Sprints Indoor Skiing Competition. An indoor skiing race? OK, it’s a bit wacky – but rowers have been doing it for years, and finding that it’s a great workout and a fun way to get through the last bit of the dryland season. The comparable, repeatable results of the SkiErg Performance Monitor allow anyone with access to a Concept2 SkiErg to race against others on a fair, measurable course. This 1000 meter race will occur November 14-15, 2009 at locations throughout the world. Can’t travel to a Sprints location? Join in from your home! The official home race venue will be the Craftsbury Outdoor Center, where racing will take place on November 14 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (RSVP here). The event is open to anyone who’d like to join the fun. But if you can’t get to Craftsbury, an ever-growing number of satellite races will take place at locations around the world on the weekend of November 14-15. See current list of events below. Additional locations will be added to this list as we hear about them! If you are interested in learning more about hosting your own Sprints, email Meredith at Concept2. Have your own SkiErg and want to join in from home? Race your best 1000 meter piece and submit it to the Concept2 Rankings on November 14 or 15, 2009 to be included in the official race results. All participants at satellite events will receive prizes; prizes will also be awarded randomly and for any new records set in each age group and gender. We hope you’ll join the fun! SkiErg World Sprints Locations (Watch for additions to this calendar.) Please contact the individuals below for more details and times for satellite SkiErg World Sprints events. New England
Bates College | Lewiston, ME | Becky Woods, |
Bowdoin College | Brunswick, ME | Nathan Alsobrook, |
Colby College | Waterville, ME | Tracey Cote, |
Craftsbury Outdoor Center | Craftsbury, VT | Oliver Burruss, |
CrossFit USA | Berlin, CT | Merle McKenzie, |
Green Mountain Valley School | Waitsfield, VT | Justin Beckwith |
Mt. Mansfield Nordic | Jericho, VT | Don Harmeyer |
Northeast Passage | Durham, NH | Cathy Thompson, Cory Schwartz, |
Stratton Mountain School | Stratton, VT | Sverre Caldwell, |
Williams College | Williamstown, MA | Aubrey Smith, |
Olympic Training Center | Lake Placid, NY | Patrick Coffey, |
U Can Row 2 Inc. | Houghton, MI | Terry Smythe, |
Idaho Nordic | Boise, ID | Joe Jensen |
Sun Valley SEF | Sun Valley, ID | Rick Kappala, |
University of Utah | Salt Lake City, UT | Eli Brown, |
Velocity Sports Performance | Franklin, TN | Amy Cotta, AMYCOTTA@COMCAST.NET |
Worldwide: Austria Czech Republic Estonia Italy United Kingdom Please contact your local Concept2 dealer for details.