This last surgery was probably the toughest yet… it was definately the most painful. I woke up in the recovery room in extreme pain (I’m talking saw your leg off with a salty dull butterknife type of pain), so they kept giving me painkiller after painkiller. it was doing nothing, so they gave me a heavy dose of something very very strong… the pain finally subsided, but I was so drugged I was forgetting to breathe and I was constantly setting off the ’she’s not breathing alarm’. So by the time I came out of that haze enough to breathe the pain was creaping back into my conciousness, but I had been in recovery for 2 1/2 hours so it was time for me to go to my hospital room… by the time I arrived at my room I was in tears again from the pain. Another game of trying to get ahead of the pain with a bunch of drugs, but after 2 hours of trying with no avail; I got hooked up to a morphine pump. Finally I was able to dull the pain! The rest of the day and night was a blur of sleeping and waking up to press the morphine button… untill the next morning when I threw up. So more drugs (anti-nausea this time), and after a several hour nap my stomach started feeling a bit better, but I was still not in good shape and it was starting to look like I was going to be spending another night in the hospital. I probably should have, but I am stubborn and I just REALLY wanted to go home, so I ended up leaving at about 5pm. The last 20 minutes of the hour long drive back home I was in tears, the bumps in the road were too much…
But now its been almost 2 weeks and I’m doing much better, I still have a lot of recovering to do but I’m definately making steps in the right direction. This morning I didn’t wake up because my leg was killing me! Yay!!
4 surgeries in a 5 month period is extremely mentally and emotionally challenging. But the good news is that was (knock on wood) my LAST surgery and I can start to move on with my life!