Come and join our professional coaching staff to get a “jump start” on your 2020 – 2021 ski season during the Yellowstone Ski Festival, November 26-28, 2020. The staff provides a solid understanding of technique, and gives you the tools and drills to gain efficiency and strength at the camp and throughout your ski season. The coaching staff is composed of an elite group of XC ski professionals which includes retired world class skiers, coaches and professional instructors. The coaches know that the best way to ingrain effective movement is through practice. You’ll also get feedback, in the dose that’s right for you. While some just need a new focus and mileage, others benefit from a more consistent stream of information about whether and how much they’re performing the task to the desired degree. The coaches know how to pace the flow of information, and offer up a great balance of new information, drills, and practice.
Some of the special offerings include:
- 3-day Skate & Classic Technique for Performance (intermediate and advanced skiers)
- 1-day and half-day Improve Your Skate Technique
- 1-day and half- day Improve Your Classic Technique
- Private Lessons offered daily
Enjoy your First Tracks in West Yellowstone. Whether First Tracks truly means the corduroy and you, or it is the first time on skis this season, or the first time on skis period; you are invited to take them at the Yellowstone Ski Festival. Think Snow and make plans now to attend the 2020 Yellowstone Ski Festival. For more information, and follow us on Facebook page (@RendezvousSkiTrails) or Instagram (YellowstoneSkiFest) for up-to-minute news.
In regards to the global pandemic we will be following County, State, and local protocols.
The Ski Festival and WYSEF are suggesting the following guidelines to everyone on the Rendezvous Ski Trails:
- Face coverings on the IN and OUT trail and other high traffic or congested areas on the trail system.
- Please no gathering in front of the Trailhead Building or parking lot (clinics will have a designated meeting place in a spacious area near the beginning of the trails).
- Maintain physical distancing at all times.