Big News at Prospect Mountain

FasterSkierAugust 27, 2018

Dear Friend,

After 26 years of owning and managing Prospect, Steve Whitham and Andrea Amodeo have decided it is time for the ski area to have new owners.

A local, non-profit group comprised of Prospect diehards, local business people, and the Vermont Land Trust has been working with Steve and Andrea for the past two years to facilitate a good transition.

This group – Prospect Mountain Association – intends to purchase Prospect and run it as a community cross-country ski center, much as it has been for years.

As a friend of Prospect Mountain, we would like to invite you to an informational meeting on Sunday, September 16th at 2:00 p.m. at the Prospect lodge. 

We’d like to share information with you about Prospect’s immediate future and how you can help. This also will be a chance for everyone to catch up with old friends, sign up as a volunteer, and to get a special discount on your season pass!

We know that almost everybody loves Prospect Mountain and that there has been a lot of concern about its future. Please join us to answer your questions and learn more about this exciting community-run effort. We are hoping for a robust turnout.

We hope to see you on the 16th but please be in touch if you are unable to attend and would like to be part of making this happen.

Best regards,

David Newell and Jon Cohen, on behalf of PMA

Donald Campbell, the Vermont Land Trust

P.S. Spoiler alert: Steve will continue to be part of Prospect’s future – come ask him about it.


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