Portland High School Seeks Head Nordic Coach

FasterSkierSeptember 15, 2017

The growing Portland-area high school Nordic team is in need of a new head coach for the 2017-2018 ski season.  This team is comprised primarily of students from the 3 public high schools in Portland, Maine, but also includes skiers from local private schools and public schools in neighboring districts that lack ski programs.  As a result. the Portland Co-op team is a diverse group of skiers from all ability levels and walks of life.  In the past 7 years the team has enjoyed a great deal of success producing multiple state champions, many Maine elite team members, and a handful of skiers who have gone on to ski for NCAA teams.

The high school team enjoys a great deal of support and funding from the Portland School District and is also supported by the Portland Nordic Club, which is active in promoting the Nordic skiing life-style for all age groups in the greater Portland area.  In addition to working towards the improvement of local skiing facilities, the club supports growing and highly successful BKL and middle school teams.  The high school team has accordingly grown in size in recent years and is poised for even greater success this year and for years to come.

Interested candidates should have a strong Nordic skiing background and enjoy working with the high school age group.  Preference will be given to those with high level racing and/or coaching experience.  Interested candidates should contact Aaron Duphily at aaduphily@gmail.com.


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