Fellow XC enthusiasts!
This will be the last ATOMIC XC Camp update as the camps start this
week-end. Skiing conditions here at Silver Star Mountain are great
with the earliest and best snow I have seen on the mountain in years.
All of the village XC trails are open and grooming is being done with
the alpine grooming machines. In fact, we have enough snow for the
alpine season to open tomorrow. Check out the conditions on the Main
Street by clicking on the webcam at www.skisilverstar.com .
There is still room in some of the camps and if you are thinking of
coming and were waiting for good snow, the wait is over. However, to
book now, please call the Silver Star Club Resort Hotel directly on
their toll free line 1-800-610-0805. All of the camp options and
prices are on our camp web site www.xccamps.ca
If you are in commuting range, the price for
all camps can be adjusted to what you need. Please call or e-mail me
and I can give you the adjusted price.
Beckie Scott and Sara Renner are both now training at Silver Star
Mountain. They and the rest of the Canadian National XC Team are, or
soon will be, on the mountain preparing for the World Cup races Dec
10 and 11 and the famous Silver Star Mountain Night Sprints Dec 6.
It is an annual happening at Silver Star Mountain that the Silver
Star Nordic Club in conjunction with the ATOMIC XC Camps and the
community hosts a Banquet and Auction. The Banquet is a big
Thanksgiving (for our USA friends) dinner and the auction funds go
directly to the National XC Team. The date this year is November 26
with cocktails at 5:30 PM and dinner to follow at 6:00 PM. If you are
taking a camp that falls on November 26th, you receive a complimentary
ticket to the dinner. If you are here skiing or holidaying and want to
attend the Banqut and Auction, tickets are $40 per person and can be
obtained by calling the Silver Star Club Resort at 250-549-5191. Sara
Renner will be the guest speaker. If you have an auction item you
would like to donate to the cause, please e-mail me at
nordnorm@telus.net and let me know what
it is or bring it to the Dinner/Auction.
All for now. See you on the trails.