The 2nd annual National J2 Talent ID camp supported by NCCSEF is set to take place August 1-8th in Sun Valley, ID. The top 22 J2 boys and top 22 J2 girls in the country (14-15 year olds) have qualified to attend this camp through selection from their best two races from the 2011 USSA Junior Olympics last March.
Athletes will post “vote for me” to the Facebook/NCCSEF wall (and if possible post a picture of the camp) then ask their friends and team back home to “like” them. Top 3 Liked vote getters by the end of Camp will be awarded USST BD jacket or race suit and Toko HF wax. You must Like NCCSEF to nominate yourself and to vote.
Olivia | Amber |
Noah | Andersen |
Louisa | Austin |
Nichole | Bathe |
Ian | Boucher |
Cate | Brams |
Cully | Brown |
Gretchen | Burkholder |
Raylene | Chew |
Callan | Deline |
Evelyn | Delong |
Laurel | Fiddler |
Tyler | Foulkes |
Heidi | Halvorsen |
Hannah | Hardenbergh |
Ben | Hegman |
Gavin | Hess |
Erich | Hoefler |
Karsten | Hokanson |
Emily | Hyde |
Marc | Jackson |
Pete | Karinen |
Madison | Keefe |
Sarrissa | Lammers |
Katrin | Larusson |
Alex | Loan |
Sophie | McDonald |
Hamish | McEwen |
Dori | McNeill |
Sam | Merrens |
Anika | Miller |
Max | Millslagle |
Brooke | Mooney |
Hadley | Moreau |
Bria | Riggs |
Maile | Sapp |
Haakon | Sigurslid |
Zoe | Snow |
Keegan | Swirbul |
Evan | Weinman |
Logan | Wiginton |
Riis | Wilbrecht |
Maggie | Williams |
Marion | Woods |
Visit during the camp to like (vote for) your athletes.

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