September 2001 Training

FasterSkierDecember 9, 2002

Torbjœrn’s September training
I did 46 hours of training in September. This included 20 hours of running, 18.5 hours of biking, 6 hours of roller-skiing and only 40 minutes of weight training. I came out on target with the volume but was low on roller skiing and weight training due to a pulled back muscle that bothered me the entire month.

The Hard Sessions.
Having the Norwegian Women’s team, Justin Wadsworth, Beckie Scott, Jeanie Wall all in town (plus three local skiers I’m coaching) made the training interesting, particularly for the coach. On some days I was trying to watch or participate with one or two of them doing rollerski intervals, followed by running intervals. I then did a few others 30 minutes later. Different workouts and intensities for the athletes are in modern training theory, called individualized training (and for the coach it’s called stress and over training). Below is a summary of hard sessions actually done by me this month:

• Running intervals: 5 x 3 minutes in gradual uphill. Build up interval session (intensity 3, 3, 3-4, 4, 4-5)
• Running intervals with the Norwegian women’s team: 2-2.5, 2.5, 2.5 minutes (intensity 3)
• Distance on the road bike where 30 minutes was intensity 3
• Running intervals: 4,4,1 minutes intensity 4
• Running intervals for 35 minutes on the Olympic 10 kilometer course. 2.5-3 minute long intervals (intensity 3-4)
• Rollerski intervals, flat and rolling terrain: 5 x 2.5 minutes
• Mountain bike: 30 minutes intensity 30 on the 10 kilometer course at Soldier Hollow
• Roll classic intervals mostly uphill: 3 x3 minutes, 2 x 40 seconds, 1 x 11.5 minutes intensity 3-4
• Bounding with poles in uphill intervals: 3-4-4 minutes (intensity 3-5)
• Bike pace in flat terrain: 15 minutes intensity 3-4
• Roll classic intervals in gradual uphill: 4-3-4-4-4 minutes (intensity 3-5)
• Running intervals: 3-4-3-3-2-1- 2.5 minutes (intensity 3-5)

Comments on the Hard Training
Overall September was a tough month. I coached a lot, tried to squeeze in some quality time with the athletes, which made my progress from some of these days questionable. For the first time I felt I wasn't any stronger at the end of the month (compared to the previous month). I was unable to fit in any time trials.

I hardly saw Gordon Lange this month because of conflicting schedules and the competitive element of having him at the quality sessions was greatly missed. Nevertheless, Gordon is in terrific shape.

Plans for October
The key for me now is to change things around and make sure that progress occurs in October. I will do that by getting back to the weight room, getting good interval sessions and doing a lot more rollerskiing. The interval sessions will be a mix of level 3-4, 3-5 and level 4-5 sessions. I will do the level 4-5 sessions (really hard 4-5 x 3 minutes) only done when I feel good in the gentler 3-4 or 3-5 session.
For example: On October 2nd I did the following running session in easy terrain and uphill: 4 minutes (150-160 heart rate), 5 minutes (155-164), 4 minutes (165 — 170) 5 minutes (165-177), 4 minutes (170-179). I pushed the heart rate up the last 2 minutes of the last three intervals. My max is around 185 so this was intensity 3-5. The time spent at very high heart rate is relatively low so a new interval session can occur relatively soon (in 2 or 3 days). I felt good and was able to push hard and that is a sign to me that I don’t need rest but can go again tomorrow.

Good luck in evaluating your own training.
See you next month.


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