Fingers remain crossed about conditions on the Birkie Trail. Despite minimal snowfall in the midwest, the Birkie trail is in relatively good condition with less than four weeks to race day. The skiing is thin, but at least there is skiing.
From the newly redesigned Birkie website, < :
Very cold temperatures expected to continue through Sunday the 26th. Approximately 45K of the trail is snow covered. A few spots have low snow, mostly in the pine tree areas. There is about a 2 inch packed base on the trail. Skiing is good. Suggest bringing rock skies. The snow surface is very uneven and undulating due to the low snow cover. The surface is becoming extremely hard due to the volume of skiing and lack of snow. At this time the surface can not be reworked or tilled because of low snow. A fresh 2 inches of snow fell Saturday, January 25th.