The upcoming Masters World Cup for cross-country ski racers will be held in the beautiful town of Seefeld, Austria. One Masters World Cup is held each year. The Masters World Cup is an inofficial World championship tor veterans in XC-skiing.
Seefeld has been the site of two Olympics in addition to the 1985 FIS World Championships, and is one of Austria’s most popular resort destinations. Germany had actually who won the bid to hold the Maters World Cup this season, yet due to lack of snow in Germany in the past few years the German delegation chose to host the event in Seefeld where excellent snow conditions are guaranteed.
Dick Hunt, director of World Masters Association USA, is leading an American delegation of approximately ten athletes in Seefeld.
The schedule of events is:
Sunday, Feb 2: 30K/15K/15K Classical (Distance depends on age group)
Tuesday, Feb4: 10K Classical @ 9 am, followed at 1 pm by 10K freestyle
Wednesday, Feb 5: 4x5K Relays
Friday, Feb 7: 20K/30K/45K Freestyle
Saturday, Feb 8: 20K/30K/45K Classical
While the events in Seefeld might be just getting underway, many masters ski racers might be setting their sights on the following season’s races in Lillehammer, Norway. One reader pointed out that the website for next year’s event is already up: Official 2004 MWC website