Bente Skari to travel the globe

FasterSkierJuly 3, 2003

Bente, the last few years’ Cross-Country Ski Queen, retired after last season’s final race. And she’s retiring for real, next winter she will barely ski at all. In October she’d on her way traveling the globe for 6 months together with her husband, Geir.

– We have not decided the exact travel route yet, but will stop in the US, South-America, Australia and Asia, Bente tells

No ski-vacation, for sure.

– We’re not going to Salt Lake and Soldier Hollow, and neither to any other ski-towns, I just feel like experiencing something different.

Bente has for long while wanted to travel for leisure, but has not had the opportunity since being and living as a year-around elite athlete. Now she enjoys life as a “retired elite athlete”.

– It is nice not having to prioritize and plan every day and step; now I can leave things in the air a bit, and improvise more.

– Was it your ability to prioritize and plan so well that made you such a great skier?
– Yes!

Now she’s enjoying doing things that may seem very standard and normal, but have been neglected the last few years.
-I go to Starbucks, paint rooms in my house, spend time together with family and friends. I now have time to do things with others, for example at the cabin or out to dinner, without always thinking about my training.

Bente was the World’s best Cross-Country skier, especially in classical technique. She in however all finished with Cross-Country racing, and does not regret the decision.


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