Per Johnsen is an outstanding Master Skier.
Age: 59
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Single or married: Married (Sandy) 2 daughters,
Kristianna (33) and Randi (27)
Hometown: Born in Bodø, Norway. Moved to Seattle at the age of 13 with
my parents
Current town of residence: South Colby, WA. Across Puget Sound from Seattle
Occupation: Human Resource Director, Kitsap Transit
Coach: Self coached (fool that I am)
Sponsors: TorbjornSport
Favorite movies: The Grand Illusion. French film from
1941 about the futility of war and to maintain humanity during awful times.
The same subject as the movie The Great Escape, but a much better film.
Favorite food: Raspberries with cream
If you had to eat lunch at a fast-food restaurant, where would you go and what
would you order? Any place with a great salad
Favorite musical artist: Glenn Gould, Canadian classical pianist
Favorite book or TV show: Book: War and Peace
TV Show: Northern Exposure