Steady Progress for Scott and Renner At Soldier Hollow Time Trial

FasterSkierSeptember 22, 2003

World Cup red group skiers Beckie Scott and Sarah Renner, both set PR’s (personal best   times) in the 5K running time-trial held at Soldier, Hollow Olympic Park on Saturday, September 20th .

As in the two previous years tests they used the Olympic A 5K — Course.

This was the course used for the women’s 5K classic race at the Olympics and consists of six short and medium long hills as well as the big “mother of all hills” — the Hermod Hill! — In other words: A True Test!

The rest of the National team members and Sarah Peters

( Maine Winter Sport Center/TorbjornSport) were doing the test for the first time.

No tapering/peaking

The  three days prior to the test consisted of an interval session followed by two days with double workouts (of relatively easy training) so it’s likely that everyone can run even faster in the future.  


The Men

The Canadian men’s team has a few guys with some leg injuries so three of them did a 7.5K running time-trial while the other two did a 10K rollerski test.


Results – Women (last years times in brackets)

1. Beckie Scott 18.34 (18.52)
2. Sara Renner 19.23 (19.56)
3. Sarah Peters 20.16
4. Tara Whitten 20.22
5. Beckie Laakso 20.38
6. Chandra Crawford 22.10


Results — Men 7.5K Running
1. Drew Goldsack 28.36
2. Devon Kershaw 27.45
3. Shaun Crooks 29.05

Results — Men 10 K Roll — Skating
1. George Gray 28.48
2. Gordon Jewett 29.04


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