Ambitious Goals For The Norwegian Cross Country Teams

FasterSkierNovember 21, 2003

The Norwegian Cross-Country teams have high ambitions for the upcoming season. They need results at or close to the top in every competition if they are going to reach their goals. Most ambitious is possibly the sprint team. Sprint coach Ulf Morten Aune needs to get his skiers to reach their maximum performance and potential in order to succeed.

The Sprint Teams Goals:
 Be the best male sprint nation
 Have one skier win the overall individual sprint World Cup
 Have two skiers in every sprint final

They failed to reach the last goal already during the opening sprint World Cup in Düsseldorf. The sprint group can’t afford any more mistakes.

The regular men’s National Team announced their goals for the season already on May 5th. Coach Krister Sorgard and his skiers are not aiming low either.

Regular Men’s Team Goals:
 Be on the podium in all relays
 Have one skier in the top three in the overall World Cup
 Be on the podium in all races. In both skating and classic

Svein Tore Samdal, the women’s team coach has, despite Bente Skari’s retirement, equally high goals. Several skiers need to step it up several notches if they are going to succeed.

Goals for the Women’s team:
 Have six skier with top 10 World Cup results during the season
 Have the team on the podium in all relays
 Be the best female Nation


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