Favorites & Outsiders For This Weekend’s 10/15 K Classic World Cup Race In Davos
European “gamblers†can in addition to placing bets on soccer, team-handball, the London marathon, horse-racing and any other known to man sport now also place bets on Nordic events like Ski Jumping, Biathlon, Nordic Combined and Cross Country Skiing.
Norwegian Langrenn.com is each weekend “helping†their readers in choosing the possible winners for upcoming races.
One of Langrenn.com advertisers is British bookmaker Ladbrokes.
Langrenn.com’s picks and comments for this weekend 10 and 15 kilometer classic in Davos, Switzerland
Women’s 10 kilometer classic – individual start:
This season has so far belonged to Kristina Smigun. She has only been beaten once. That was in the 10 kilometer classic race in Kuusamo, Finland. Schevchenko snuck away with the victory and Smigun ended up in 3rd. Ladbrokes has Smigun as the favorite in this 10 kilometer classic that will after lots of discussion be organized as an individual start race.
Langrenn.com doesn’t think neither Smigun nor Schevchenko will win. A faster skier should win in a short 2.5 kilometer loop that will be skied four times. Our winner candidates are therefore Skofterud, Paruzzi, Bjorgen and Kuenzel. We have a feeling that Bjorgun will ski fast on Saturday. Perhaps fast enough to win. She is our favorite and will pay nine times your bet.
Kuenzel will pay 26 your money and is an outsider along with Paruzzi and Skofterud. It’s a very open women’s race.
Men’s 15 kilometer classic — individual start:
Last weekend’s winner Mathias Frederiksson is Ladbrokes favorite in the men’s 15 kilometer classic race with odds 5 to 1. He is also one of six candidates Langrenn.com has picked as possible winners. They remaining five are (odds in brackets): Aukland (6), Verpalu (7), Estil (8), Svartedal (9) and Teichman (13)
The course length is only 2.5 kilometer so all the longest hills are gone. That’s not an advantage for Kuusamo winner Aukland and Verpalu. This is the race Frode Estil has targeted as the first race to ski fast in this season after being sick. He should place top five, but won’t win.
We think it’s going to be between Frederiksson, Svartedal and Teichman. The one with the fastest skis will win. It’s hard to say. Langrenn.com thinks that Svartedal will win his first World Cup victory (if we ignore winning classic sprint World Cup races). It’s up to the “Express Train From Trosken†to prove that he deserves being our favorite.
Odds women:
 Kr Smigun  2.00
V Schevchenko  4.00
V Skofterud 6.00
M Bjorgen 9.00
G Paruzzi 11.00
O Savialova 11.00
HG Pedersen 17.00
P Majdic 21.00
AK Saarinen 26.00
C Kunzel 26.00
V Kuitunen 26.00
A Sidko 34.00
E Sachenbacher 34.00
E Vorontsova 41.00
A Dahlberg 51.00
E Ek 51.00
L Vasilieva 51.00
ML Malvalehto 51.00
AM Viljanmaa 67.00
M Henkel 67.00
M Longa 67.00
V Bauer 67.00
Odds men
M Fredriksson 5.00
A Aukland 6.00
A Veerpalu 8.00
F Estil 8.00
JA Svartedal 9.00
A Soedergren 11.00
T Angerer 11.00
A Teichmann 13.00
J Filbrich 17.00
K Freeman 17.00
N Pankratov 17.00
V Rotchev 17.00
F Valbusa 21.00
J Mae 21.00
OB Hjelmeseth 21.00
T Fredriksson 21.00
A Schluetter 26.00
G DiCenta 26.00
V Checchi 26.00
R Burgermeister 34.00
R Sommerfeldt 34.00
A Noutrikhine 41.00
B Carrara 41.00
M Bajcicak 41.00
I Batory 51.00
S Novikov 51.00