Rollerski Discussion: Are Traditional Rollerskis Better Than Skis With Pneumatic Wheels?

FasterSkierApril 15, 2004

Last fall I made the following (controversial?) statement in an article describing a skate rollerski interval session (To view this entire article see – ):

My opinion about rollerskis with pneumatic wheels

My choice of rollerskis was the PRO-SKI S2 model. I’m alternating my workouts between this model and the (a bit slower) S3. I’m through TorbjornSport selling the PRO-SKI Rollerski brand so my comments regarding skis from other brands are not (quite) objective. I still feel a need for commenting on rollerskis with pneumatic wheels as a training devise used to improve race performance.

In short:
It’s no way you can achieve the performance and quality I had in this workout with that type of skis. We have seen a number of them used by master-skiers at recent training camps and have to say that we don’t like what we see, which is poor technique. We never see top skiers using them and we know why. The skis are clumsy, give you a slow turnover and a “soft kick”. When you glide out on them it is hard to know if you end up on the inside or outside of the skis and we see “bicycle tendencies” with the recovery leg.

At harder efforts the turnover is too slow. There are several good rollerski models from different brands available including the above mentioned PRO-SKI models, but pneumatic wheel rollerskis is in my opinion not the way to go. I don’t recommend them at all for juniors wanting to be future good skiers and the same goes for older skier. There are too many good alternatives that will benefit you a lot more”.


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