Scandinavian Summer Ski School: World’s Largest XC Junior Camp

FasterSkierJune 3, 2005

By — Translated by Torbjorn Karlsen

Almost 700 junior cross country and biathlon skiers have signed up for what might be the World’s largest and most popular training camp of the year, the Scandinavian summer ski school. Daily TV reports will be produced by the camp’s hired production crew.

Seven hundred skiers! These are numbers that the organizer Hans Jorgen Rena is very satisfied with. He is also excited about the names and quality of the instructors. Ole Einar Bjœrndalen, Bjœrn Dæhlie, Frode Estil, Kristen Skjeldal, Jens Arne Svartedal, Eldar Rœnning, Johan Kjœlstad, Jon Ã…ge Tyldum, Marit Bjœrgen og Kine Beate BjœrnÃ¥s are among the top skiers that have said yes to take part as guest coaches. The women’s coach Svein Tore Samdal will take part and so will two former national team coaches Erik Rœste and Ole Morten Iversen.

– Boys and girls are coming from the whole country to train with Bjorgen, Estil and Bjorndalen. The camps have seen a nice increase in participation the last couple years, but the interest has never been bigger than now. Our philosophy is that happy participants are the best goal. We are using a lot of energy in making good events. We are prioritizing both the social aspect and the training. We want to be best in that department. The help we are getting from the top skiers means a lot, says Rena. He is saying that about half of the participants are traveling by plane and that this is adding to the logistics.

Some of the best up and coming skiers are also included in the coaching staff. Øystein Pettersen, Øyvind Sandbakk Stig Rune Kveen are skiers from this category. Between and after the workouts a number of fun activities including: Idol competition, adventure games, canoeing, climbing, go-cart, disco, Playstation Cup, barbeque and a lot more. A hired production company will make daily television programs from the camps.

The summer ski schools are spread over several weeks and each camp is one week long. The summer ski school stated up in 1986 and is celebrating its 20-year anniversary this summer. Each week traditionally has one or two sponsors like a ski and wax company.

North American summer camp organizers: Get some publicity for your camp/event. Send us a press release, camp report and some photos


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