Bjorgen Relieved To Win Big

FasterSkierJanuary 20, 2006

Marit Bjorgen crushed her competitors in the first race of the Norwegian Championship on Thursday, the 10-kilometer classic. She can now finally brush the media concerns aside after winning by 40 seconds.


– This was very reliving and shows that I’m heading in the right direction, says Marit Bjorgen.

She has tried to not be bothered by the media concerns following recent weaker than expected World Cup results, especially last weekend’s poor relay leg in Val di Fiemme.

– I have listened to my coach, my family and those who know me. That has helped me in raising my spirit.

Beat last World Cup classic winner
On Thursday Bjorgen beat the winner of the last World Cup classic race, Hilde Gjermundshaug Pedersen by 40 seconds. Pedersen has however been sick since then and this make Bjorgen wonder how good this performance really was.

– It’s hard to say, but at least I felt better than the last couple weekend’s, says Bjorgen

Pedersen lacking the last gear
Hilde G. Pedersen was happy despite the distance up to Bjorgen. — It was OK on a halfgood day. I’m lacking the last gear, says Pedersen.
She has been sick recently and did not race in last weekend’s World Cup races in Val di Fiemme.

Ella Gjomle was third, 1.06 behind Bjorgen

For complete results:



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