February 1st was Al Maddox first day on the job as Executive Director of Cross Country Canada…
Al Maddox succeeds Bruce Jeffries as the Executive Director of the Association effective February 1, 2006.
Al Maddox is well known to the ski community for his numerous contributions to the sport in the course of the past 30 years and more. How many years exactly? Let’s put some more precision around this statement. Though better known as the co-captain of the varsity football team, Al organized and captained the cross-country ski team at the Royal Military College of Canada in 1967-71. He attended his first Cross Country Canada (at that time the Canadian Ski Association) Annual General Meeting in 1975. To say that cross-country skiing has been a major part of Al’s life is to seriously understate the reality!
Complete article at http://www.cccski.com/main.asp?cmd=doc&ID=3543&lan=0
Source: Cross Country Canada