Austria approves new anti-doping law

FasterSkierApril 12, 2006


VIENNA, Austria — Austria's government approved a new federal anti-doping law Thursday, a crackdown hastened by the doping raids on the country's cross-country skiers and biathletes at the Turin Olympics.

Italian police raided the Austrian cross-country and biathlete quarters outside Turin on Feb. 18 and uncovered about 100 syringes, unlabelled drugs and equipment that could be used for blood doping. At the same time, Olympic doping control officers conducted surprise tests on 10 Austrian athletes, all of whom tested negative.

<Read full article in the Toronto Star

In a related story, the former Austrian ski coach who fled the Turin Olympics after a doping raid has sued International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge.

The lawsuit filed by Walter Mayer came two days after lodging a similar suit against World Anti-Doping Agency chief Dick Pound.

Mayer's lawyer, Herwig Hasslacher, said Rogge was being sued after claiming that Mayer “organized” doping by the Austrians. A court date was not immediately set.


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