Elite skiers doing hard rollerski workouts at Soldier Hollow Olympic stadium in Heber, Utah is a sure sign that we are getting close to a new race season.
A new season is just around the corner and intervals and time-trials are frequently on the agenda for elite, juniors and masters around the globe.
Here are a few photos of Alaskans Anders Haugen and James Southam from a hard skate rollerski workout at Soldier Hollow last week. Super conditions, nice and warm and plenty of lactate.
Haugen was a frequent top-six finisher in North American sprints last season while Southam placed 31st in the Canmore 15-k skate World Cup and won the US 15-K freestyle championship. Both have trained well at home in Anchorage, Alaska this summer and are now in Park City, Utah for a one month long altitude/warm weather training camp.