NENSA Plans Global Warming Awareness Initiative

FasterSkierApril 6, 2007

New England has suffered through a number of dismal winters in recent years. Now, NENSA is stepping up their efforts to to raise awareness of global warming. Those of us not in New England could use NENSA's program as a model in our own regions.

NENSA – Global Warming Action – Step it Up and Find Snow on April 14!

Here's a chance to take action and raise awareness of global warming. Saturday, April 14 is Step It Up Day ( ). Thousands of people around the country are organizing actions, and all of these actions taken together will be the largest demonstration yet in the U.S. of concern about global warming.

NENSA skiers are invited to join a New England-wide action on April 14. We challenge you to gather friends and fellow ski club members, find the nearest snow, and, if possible, ski on it!

Worried the snow may all be melted by then? Roll up a huge snowball while you still can, put it in a shady spot, and cover it with a tarp! On April 14, you can roll it out, flatten it, and get out your rock skis for a photo! We'll also post info on about where there really still is snow on April 14, for those willing to travel to ski. If snow just isn't in the picture, pick another activity – biking, hiking, whatever. It's the participation that counts!

If you'd like to participate, simply register your local action at . On April 14, take a picture to document your April ski and follow directions to upload your photo to the StepItUp2007 website, then let us know so we can provide a link from NENSA's website.

You can also check out other actions in your area and get tapped into local networks of concerned citizens at .


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