Thomas Alsgaard says that he is done with cross country skiing — for now.
Thomas Alsgaard did a talk about his career to sport students at the Norwegian sport university in Oslo last week. The old ski king revealed several little know facts.
– I was active for many years, and have kept on (with skiing) for four more years with various coaching and consultant jobs. I don’t have (enough) time for this anymore. I want to focus on other things, says Alsgaard to
He considers himself done with cross country skiing for now. He resigned as national-team coach for the Swedes this winter. That was enough for Thomas Alsgaard.
He also talked about his relationship to Bjrn Dæhlie. He revealed that the two ski kings were very close to getting into a fist fight.
– It was never a big secret that Bjrn and I weren’t best friends. We had some heated discussions. We were even close to ending up in a fist-fight, says Alsgaard.
They were however always able to put the disagreements aside and focus on the next workout together.
– It was therefore regardless of how much we disagreed and how angry we were at each other, we still agreed upon the time and place for the next workout before we parted, explains Alsgaard.
But Thomas Alsgaard was willing to go through â€hell and high water†to beat Dæhlie in races.
– We were diehard rivals. Sometimes I felt that the whole world could go to hell, as long as I could beat Bjrn, admits Alsgaard to Nettavisen.
Alsgaard started the talk by showing a film of his career ups and downs. Alsgaard was emotional as he re-lived the moments.