Hard workouts every day for Pettersen

FasterSkierAugust 25, 2007

Øystein”The Sausage” Pettersen feels stronger than ever. He credits how he feels to a new training plan developed with the Norwegian sprint national team.

Not afraid anymore
– I was very skeptical to how the sprinters were training until I tried it myself. I was thinking that “I can’t handle this”. But I have learned after changing my training to doing hard workouts every day that you can train a lot tougher than you think, says Pettersen.

At least one hard workout per day is on the agenda.

– I’m not afraid of doing two hard workouts per day anymore. I have experienced that my body responds the best when I’m training a lot. I felt a little tired before the start of the recent sprint race in Sandnes, but the race went very well. I have almost completely stopped doing distance training. As an example, I am pushing toward threshold when I do a 2 hour continous rollerski workout. I’m doing some easy workouts, but it’s basically for recovery.

Mental surplus
– You don’t believe that you’ll get in shape too early?

– I’m thinking about not going over the edge, but I’m not afraid of it. I’m avoiding doing workouts that mentally wear you down. It’s important not to waste your mental energy and so, for example, I am not doing sprint workouts alone.

Pettersen ended the recent national team camp in Aure a few days early because of an illness. He is now healthy again, and not afraid of starting hard training again.

– The harder you train, the greater the chance of getting sick. You have to demand more of yourself, but I’m not stressing if I get sick now and then. The positive in that is that your body recovers during this period, says “The Sausage”.

Source: Langrenn.com


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