The changing of the guard

FasterSkierSeptember 17, 2007

Dear readers,

When we (Torbjorn Karlsen and Cory Smith) started in late 2001, our goal was to provide North American skiers with the latest news and information about cross country ski racing. At the time, Cory was a full-time ski racer and part-time web developer and Torbjorn was a full-time ski coach and retailer. We were passionate about skiing and we committed ourselves to posting interesting articles every day, even though we only had a few hundred readers that first season. It was truly a labor of love.

Over the years, more and more skiers found the website and they have helped us make it the great resource that it is today. But as the website grew, so did the amount of the work required to keep the site up and running. We still love the sport of cross-country skiing, but the time we each have for operating has been gradually shrinking due to the needs of career and family. We realized this past season that in order to keep growing and improving, we needed help.

We are thrilled that Topher Sabot, Hunter Greene, and Matthew Voisin of Wild Rumpus, LLC are taking over as the new owners of They are experienced and passionate about skiing, both as racers and coaches (check out Topher's great result in last weekend's NENSA rollerski race), and they currently run their own web development business. We think these guys are a perfect fit for In fact, the “new guys” have been running the site for over a month now, and they have been doing a terrific job.

We (Torbjorn and Cory) will continue to be involved in producing content for the site. After devoting so much time to the site over the years, we find it impossible to just walk away. It’s a bittersweet time for us, but we are sure that an infusion of new energy and ideas is the best thing for the website.

We are really excited for the upcoming season on Please join us in welcoming Topher, Hunter, and Matt. They will be introducing themselves in another letter very soon.

Finally, we owe a huge thank you to all of our writers, readers, sponsors, and all other contributors over the years. Building has been a very rewarding experience and we could not have done it without all of you. It is our hope that now, with more time on our hands, we’ll see you all on the trails, as well as online.


Cory Smith and Torbjorn Karlsen


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