J.D. Downing — U.S.A. National Director to the World Masters Association — says that new USA registrations are coming daily. “It's been a steady stream the past week and I expect things will get even busier as the final two weeks count down. The important thing for all USA skiers to remember is that after the first of February, it'll be important to switch exclusively to the special on-line system we set up for USA skiers to enter the Masters World Cup. We don't want to have a registration hung up in the postal mail past the final deadline!”
USA registrations are now past the 400 mark with projections as high as 500 “home nation” skiers once the final deadline passes. Current registrations already have earned the MWC2008 the distinction of fielding the largest USA contingent ever to take part in a Masters World Cup. USA registration already spans over 22 states with skiers ranging in age from the minimum 30 years to the first-ever USA skier in the M13 category — 90 years young! In addition to the strong USA turnout, a dozen international nations have confirmed registrations thus far with up to an additional dozen nations to enter skiers by early February.
As an added attraction, the Masters World Cup individual races are serving double-duty as the 2008 USA National Masters Championships. All USA skiers entered in the Worlds will automatically be scored for National Masters rankings giving skiers essentially two Championship races for the effort and price of one!
MWC2008 registration will continue to remain open until midnight on February 4, 2008. Registration is possible via a print-and-mail form found on
Outstanding Snow Conditions
Gregg Lawley — Chief of Competition for the MWC2008 Organizing Committee — reports that the early snow conditions continue to be outstanding throughout the McCall area. Over 52 inches of snow cover the Ponderosa State Park trails just outside downtown McCall with “perfect” January skiing mentioned by dozens of masters that have made early trips to the area.
For skiers interested in logging more kilometers than on race day, numerous nearby trail systems surround the McCall city center offering up to 100 kilometers of additional XC options within a 5-30 minute drive. The MWC2008 Organizing Committee will offer daily shuttles (separate fees may apply) to other ski locations for skiers without access to a vehicle while in McCall.
An Event For Every Master Skier
The March 1-7 MWC2008 event will mark the first ever visit by the the Masters World Cup to the western United States — and the first time the MWC has been held in the United States in a decade (1998 in Lake Placid, NY was the last time). With such a long layoff, the McCall MWC2008 event has attracted unprecedented interest from master skiers of all abilities from literally every corner of the North American snow country.
Although a number of the early USA entries include likely medal-contenders, Downing stresses that the vast majority of MWC2008 participants from North America will be average skiers simply taking advantage of a unique chance to ski in an international event on “home” snow.
“There are always a few former Olympians and “elite” master skiers in the various age groups, but the overwhelming majority of folks at the Masters World Cup are people that have no interest in medals. They take part because the event is an incredibly fun opportunity to ski just with your 5-year age group peers in a serious of wave starts on courses perfectly designed for master skiers. There's a week-long series of ceremonies, social gatherings, plus loads of non-racing kilometers of trails in the McCall area to enjoy on the 'off' days. The MWC2008 really is going to be the perfect ski vacation.”
The world is coming to McCall, Idaho this March. Make your plans to join in on the fun!
Complete event information:
More Information: MWC2008
The annual Masters World Cup event is managed by the Swiss-based World Masters Association, a volunteer organization with over dozen member nations. Drawing an average of 1,000 competitors and up to an additional 1,000 spectators every year, the week-long event travels to a different location and nation each year. Three individual races plus national team relays are held with skiers grouped in five year age/gender categories for all individual races. Skiers annually range in ability from former Olympic and World Championship medalists to beginner/intermediate masters with no competitive backgrounds.
The USA last hosted the Masters World Cup in 1998 (Lake Placid, New York) and is currently not slated to host the event again for at least another 6-10 years.