Street Sweeping a Problem in Anchorage

FasterSkierJune 30, 2009

Reader Tim Kelley alerted FasterSkier to an issue with street sweeping in Anchorage.  How does this relate to cross-country skiing?  If you have ever roller skied through a winter’s worth of sand on the shoulder, you know how big a deal this is.  Sandy shoulders can make roller skiing (as well as biking) more dangerous, especially in high use areas like Anchorage.

An aticle and opinon piece in the Anchorage Daily News details the issue.

Dirty roads, sidewalks and bike paths in Anchorage are stirring up the ire of walkers, joggers and cyclists. And the state — responsible for upkeep on its roads within the city — acknowledges post-winter street sweeping is going far too slowly this year.

Leftover dirt draws sweeping criticism

The state department of transportation has made a total hash of this year’s contract for sweeping a winter’s worth of sand and gravel off state roads and sidewalks in Anchorage. The Fourth of July is rapidly approaching, and everywhere you turn, you can see a state-maintained road that is still waiting for the sweeper to arrive.

Our view: Street sweeping


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