2009-2010 Junior Olympic Qualifying Info

FasterSkierSeptember 4, 2009

The US Junior Olympic Cross Country Ski Program is a nationwide series of events for youth and juniors ages 8 to 19. Each geographic region has its own qualifying system of events hosted by a different club or organization to select the best athletes to compete at the US Junior Olympic Cross Country Ski Championships.  All events share a common goal: to encourage young athletes to enjoy cross country skiing and to develop their skill. Events mix Olympic-style competition with elements of learning and fun for all levels – from beginning racers to those with Olympic aspirations.

Skiers participate in the Junior Olympic Qualifying (JOQ) races primarily for the challenge and experience of competing in races that feature the top area skiers in their age group. However, most racers are also aiming for qualifying for the US Junior Olympic Cross Country Ski Championships. Whether you are new to the JOQ races or a returning racer, here are some tips to help you feel comfortable with the process.


Race requirements: A minimum of four (4) races are required for scoring to establish a point value to qualify for team selection. The combination of techniques or distances does not matter in the minimum of four (4) races. If more than four races are completed, the best of four (4) will be scored. Automatic selections do not have to race a minimum of four (4) races.
Follow this link to read more.


J4 – 1998 to 1999 YOB
J3 – 1996 to 1997 YOB
J2 – 1994 to 1995 YOB
J1 – 1992 to 1993 YOB
OJ – 1990 to 1991 YOB


This year CXC will introduce a Super JOQ weekend at Telemark Resort. Overall male and female winners in every age category including J4, J3, J2, J1 and OJ will be recognized and awarded with a Trophy Cup.

CXC will also be adding an Adaptive Class for athletes with physical disabilities. For more information about participating in this class please contact Scott Wilson, CXC Race and Adaptive Program Director at wilson@cresthillresort.com or go to http://cxcskiing.org/site_pages/adaptive/about.htm

Direct web address www.midwestjoq.com (coming soon)
2009-2010 SCHEDULE

Midwest JOQ Schedule - 2009/2010
Midwest JOQ Schedule - 2009/2010

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