Despite getting almost 10 hours of sleep last night, I woke up this morning feeling tired. My plan was to do a trail running race but decided to skip it and went for an easy skate rollerski instead…
This past week has been Homecoming at NMU so there were parties all around town. A few nights ago I woke up at 1 am to an impersonation of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The guy was good and I had a laugh but it took me an hour to fall back asleep. Then the next day I did hard level 4 skate intervals in the afternoon and couldn’t get to sleep until midnight. So I think it caught up with me. On my ski this morning my legs felt slow and sluggish and my heart rate was a little higher than usual. But I think by tomorrow or Monday I should be back and feeling rested.
Even though I have been tired the last few days, up until now I have been feeling great. Last weekend I had a very successful couple of days in Traverse City, MI. On Friday night I gave a presentation for the ski community about training for the Olympics. Saturday morning Dan and I held a skate rollerski clinic. On Sunday I joined local skier Milan Biac on a beautiful classic over distance ski on Mission Peninsula. On Monday when I was back in Marquette I went out for my first mountain bike ride in three years. It was awesome! Tuesday I had level 3 classic intervals and Wednesday level 4 skate intervals.

Sunset over Elk Lake, MI