West Yellowstone Photos – 5/10km Freestyle

FasterSkierDecember 2, 2009

FasterSkier Photographer Win Goodbody spent the week in West Yellowstone, shooting thousands of photos of the races.  These photos are available for download for non-commercial use (this means no use in any for-profit publication).

A selection of photos is below, but to view all 1300 and download high res versions, you can visit Win’s SmugMug Gallery.

West Yellowstone SuperTour – 5/10km Freestyle – SmugMug Gallery

[smugmug url=”http://stoneandsteel.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=10454758_QEPTf&format=rss200″ title=”West%20Yellowstone%20SuperTour%20%202009%20-%205/10km%20Freestyle” imagecount=”40″ start=”1″ num=”40″ thumbsize=”Th” link=”lightbox” captions=”false” sort=”false” window=”false” smugmug=”false” size=”M”]


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