Western Canadian Masters Championships are Back!

FasterSkierDecember 30, 2009

It is a pleasure to announce the revival of the Western Canadian Masters Championships to be held in Golden BC on March 12-14, 2010.

The dates have been revised to allow for participants and volunteers to make better use of the weekend. The race notice will go out around mid-January but for now, here’s the scoop:

* It’s a fun, non-sanctioned event for Master skiers who are 30 years and older
* Categories are 10 year increments
* Friday, March 12: 15 km skate at Dawn Mountain Nordic Centre (near Golden BC) on 5 km loop
* Saturday, March 13: 15 km classic at Dawn Mountain on same loop as previous day
* Saturday, March 13: Banquet and Awards with food, music, prizes, guest speaker, etc. A fun celebration of the event and the ski season in general
* Sunday, March 14: Emerald Lake Tour in Yoho National Park outside of Field BC (45 min. East of Golden) which is on a 10 km course in a very scenic setting. This event is open to the general public so skiers under 30 are also welcome!

You can check updates on our website on this exciting and fun event (new website to come mid-January).


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