Concept2 Announces Current SkiErg World Records

FasterSkierJune 24, 2011
Working hard on the Concept2 SkiErg (Photo: Gym Jones)

Morrisville, VT Just in case you’re curious, or have a competitive streak, here are the fastest SkiErg times recorded for a variety of distances since the Concept2 SkiErg was introduced in June of 2009. Some of these times come from competitive Nordic skiers; others come from the fitness/cross-training community.


To see all the ranked SkiErg performances, with athletes’ names and home country, visit and select the SkiErg button.

Event Men’s record Women’s record
500m 1:24.0 1:48.0
1000m 2:59.7 3:44.2
2000m 6:30.9 7:56.0
5000m 17:24.3 21:05.9
10k 36:38.3 47:05.6

Records are set to be broken! It’s free and easy to submit a time online. Visit and click on Logbook.

Need a bit of inspiration, or at least entertainment?  Pete Dreissigacker and Greg Hammond of Concept2 challenged each other to a 500m challenge on the SkiErg. You can see the lactic acid accumulation in their facial expressions. Enjoy!

Ski season will be here soon (Photo: Kris Dobie)


Concept2 was founded by Dick and Peter Dreissigacker in 1976. Both competitive rowers and engineers, the two brothers designed and manufactured carbon fiber racing oars, then went on to create the world’s first air­resistance indoor rower. The SkiErg, launched in 2009, builds upon the Dreissigackers’ love of skiing and Concept2’s years of experience in designing and manufacturing high-performance training equipment. For more information about Concept2, visit



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