Coon Valley, WI – If you haven’t already, then now is the time to get your creative juices flowing, log on over to , and begin designing the winning “Gear For A Year” Nordic kit. During the week of November 28th, Mt. Borah will be announcing the winning teams, which will consist of one college, high school and junior Nordic ski club from the US and/or Canada. Each one of these teams will be awarded with full custom kits, including pro race suits and pro jackets. “We have had so many great designs come in that this is going to be one tough contest to judge, but we want more”, said Chris Jackson, company owner. “We realize how tight budgets can be right now, so we don’t want anyone missing out on this great opportunity from Mt. Borah”, added Jackson.
Gear For A Year is open to college, high school and junior nordic ski clubs across the US and Canada. Team members can review contest details and submit their exclusive designs at , both graphic design templates and easy sketch templates are available for quick download. During the week of November 28th, Mt. Borah will announce the winning college, high school and junior nordic clubs. The winning teams will then work with Mt. Borah’s customer service department to determine sizing and other order details. For more information, please visit OR call 800-354-2825, M-F CST.
About Mt. Borah
In business since 1997, Mt. Borah has grown to become the premier manufacturer of high quality custom sublimated active apparel; including cycling, nordic, alpine, triathlon, running and corporate. All of Mt. Borah’s custom products are precision made at the company’s headquarters in Coon Valley, Wisconsin, where the latest technological advancements in apparel production are utilized and Mt. Borah maintains complete control of the entire manufacturing process.