Human Powered Trail Grooming (HPTG), maker of low-cost Nordic trail groomers for the skier who wants to have a private trail is in the middle of its 5th winter of increasing sales. “This started when I wanted to find a way to ski every day without having to travel far. I wanted a trail I could walk to and train on easily. I wasn’t thinking about creating a business. It turns out a lot of skiers want to groom a couple kilometers right out their door”, says owner Peter Foley.
Offering models for grooming skate lanes, classic tracks, and fat tire cycling, Human Powered Trail Grooming has seen year over year growth each winter. “The groomers are an inexpensive way to have your own trail without the hassle of owning and maintaining a snowmobile. All types of skiers have bought the groomers: individuals with a few acres of land have bought it to groom a training loop for themselves and their buddies, homeowner associations, high school teams, and town recreation departments have bought one to make a short loop.” Foley adds.
Groomers are designed to be pulled by a snowshoer but some buyers are attaching them to snowmobiles and grooming more than a few k’s. When attached with a frame to a snowmobile the groomers are a low-cost, no frills alternative to more expensive groomers designed for commercial Nordic trail operations grooming large trail systems.
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