The Jackson Ski Touring Center staff can groom up to nearly 100 km of sprawling trails through the White Mountains. Generally, its an accomplishment for most to ski them all in the course of season, a month or maybe a week. But on Saturday, Feb. 14, Jackson XC wants to know how much you can ski in a day.
The Jackson Groomed Trail Challenge is open to any skier looking to see just how many of Jackson XCs finely groomed trails they can handle in a 10-hour period.
For the cost of $15 for members and $36 for non-members, individuals or teams of two can register to attempt to ski all 100km of trails between the hours of 6 a.m. and 4 p.m. It will be left up to competitors how they want to pursue the task of covering as much of the available groomed trails as possible, while adhering to the rules set by Jackson XC. Proceeds from the event benefit the Jackson Ski Touring Center junior ski programs.
Starting anywhere they choose, skiers will have to navigate Jacksons groomed trail surfaces. The amount and location of grooming will be determined by conditions and the selection and amount of groomed trails is the responsibility of the Jackson Ski Touring Foundations staff. A list of qualifying groomed trails and a highlighted trail map will be available on the morning of the event and will be updated as necessary during the day. A great prize will be awarded to those who are able to ski the most kilometers, even if they dont beat the groomers.