Plain Valley Nordic Looking for Junior Head Coach

BrainspiralMay 27, 2015

Pine Valley Nordic Team

Plain Valley Nordic Team (PVNT) is looking to hire a head coach for its junior Nordic race team. This will be a year-round position that includes travel to regional races.

The PVNT is a member of the PNSA Division of USSA Nordic. We started the team in the fall of 2014, and we had 44 skiers join the team in its inaugural season. Skiers ranged in age from 7 to 17. These skiers were supported with ten coaches, keeping the skier to coach ratio low.

We are looking to develop a well organized and well-supported Nordic race team. We have made great progress in that direction, with the development of a strong mission statement, objectives, and supporting goals.

The PVNT has the advantage of its own trail system in Plain, Washington. The Plain Valley Nordic Trails has over 16 K’s of trails groomed for skate and classic, with more K’s of trail being developed each year. Even in this dry year for the West Coast, our higher elevation and close proximity to the crest of the Washington Cascades provided us with great skiing well into March.

PVNT Coach Packet 050415


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