Big Thunder Nordic Seeks Head Coach

FasterSkierApril 23, 2018

(Job posting)

Big Thunder Nordic Ski Club is looking for a new Head Coach to continue to build on the club’s past successes.  We are seeking a qualified and motivated candidate to lead our club’s athlete development efforts going forward.  Working with a strong group of club volunteers, the full-time, salaried Head Coach role offers paid professional development as well the opportunity to work in one of the most supportive skiing communities in North America.

Further details on the role are described in the job description below.  Starting salary is based on the qualifications of the selected candidate.  The closing date for applications is May 11, 2018.

Please send applications to Heikki Luoma, Club President (  Any questions regarding this role can also be sent in confidence.

Big Thunder Nordic Head Coach Job Description


Working under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Big Thunder Nordic Ski Club (‘BTNSC’ or ‘the club’) the Head Coach is expected to coordinate and administer the cross-country ski programs for BTNSC and Lakehead University’s (LU) Varsity Ski Team.  He/she will create an environment conducive to the development of athletes within Cross Country Canada’s Long Term Athlete Development model, with the overall objective of improving the skills and performance of member athletes and maintaining a feasible long-term ski program.  He/she will provide direction for the overall development in all areas of the organization.


The main areas of responsibility of the Head Coach are:

  • Managing the programs,
  • Coaching the team,
  • Recruiting athletes,
  • Generating revenue,
  • Liaising with the community and other ski organizations/clubs,
  • Working with assistant coaching team, parents, volunteers and executive.



  • Develop a yearly, period based training plan for use by athletes, including the weekly training session workouts.
  • Plan and run frequent, regular team training sessions from May to the end of winter.
  • Help athletes set short and long-term goals that will be used to develop training programs and measure performance
  • Review athletes’ training logs, and conduct race evaluations and season evaluations with athletes to provide feedback and suggestions for training and racing.
  • Follow a testing and monitoring program for all club and varsity athletes and maintain accurate records of the results.
  • Plan and run training camps for club and out-of-town athletes from June to October.
  • Emphasize athlete development in the context of a balanced, holistic approach.
  • Continue to foster an inclusive and cohesive team dynamic among all athletes.


  • Coordinate support for all local competitions including entries, wax/race support, assistant coaches, and information release.
  • For out-of-town competitions: coordinate the provisions for all of the team’s requirements including air or ground transportation, accommodation, wax and equipment, entries/waivers.
  • Travel with the team and manage their itinerary within budget constraints.  Coordinate all travel expenditures and billing through the club’s financial processes.
  • Maintain accurate records of personal and team expenses and submit them with receipts in a timely manner.
  • Create a list of official trips that club will participate in as a team for approval by the executive.


  • Coordinate the team of assistant coaches for practices, race support, and travel.
  • Assist other club coaches with NCCP certification process.
  • Provide opportunities to further coaching skills through experience and by working with a variety of athletes and other coaches.
  • Conduct technical training sessions for assistant coaches and Jackrabbit leaders.



  • Report monthly to the club executive.  Work with individual executive members on projects as required and provide any information requested.
  • Sit on sub-committees where the Head Coach’s input is considered vital.


  • Assist the club executive and LU Athletics in preparing an annual budget.
  • Organize and maintain all club and university forms, files, and records dealing with athlete development, racing, eligibility, licensing, etc.
  • Work with sponsors and supportive local businesses to acquire equipment at the best possible price.
  • Actively search for additional sponsors, grants/funding opportunities, and new fundraising initiatives to help finance club and university programs and expenses.


  • Maintain a positive relationship with LSSD, XCSO, CCC, Thunder Bay Nordic Trails Association, the Kamview Jackrabbit Ski League, other members of the Thunder Bay ski community, and coaches/athletes in the other regions.
  • Represent the club in a positive, respectful and professional manner in all aspects of their work


  • Manage all of the club-owned equipment (i.e. test skis, wax equipment, rollers skis)
  • Establish and adhere to a professional development plan agreed to with the club.
  • Participate in a formal evaluation by the club executive each year.
  • Assist NDC Thunder Bay at training camps when requested.
  • Negotiate with local venues for planning of training sessions, training camps, races, and other events.
  • Adhere to CCC’s Code of Behaviour Policy for Coaches and Harassment Policy.
  • Be familiar with and adhere to all club policies.


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