FS Seeking Part-Time and Contributing Reporters

FasterSkierOctober 28, 2018
FS reporter Gabby Naranja closing down the media center at the 2017 World Championships in Lahti, Finland


Part-Time Reporter:

FasterSkier is currently seeking a part-time reporter. The position runs from mid-November to March, with the opportunity for extension.

Applicants should be highly motivated and self-driven with strong writing skills. A thorough understanding of nordic ski racing is required.

Part-reporters will be expected to produce stories that are clear, concise, and timely— often within a few hours of a race. As most FS reporting is done remotely, a computer and reliable internet are a must. The potential for travel to domestic events during the race season is available to part-time reporters. While covering events on-site and in-person, part-reporters are expected to work full-time and around the clock to complete all assignments.

During the race season, part-time reporters are expected to work most weekends; at least 15-20 hours a week. Reporters will work with an editor on all tasks and projects, and will be expected to produce several articles per week while assisting other FS team members as needed.

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Compensation will be paid in monthly installments and can be discussed upon inquiry.

Ideal candidates should be able to start as soon as possible, possess a strong knowledge of nordic ski racing, be able to write effectively and efficiently, and hold proficient skills in conducting an interview. The ability to communicate effectively with others is key, as much of the position involves email and phone interviews, as well as frequent email check-ins and conversations with coworkers.

Gabby Naranja (r) interviewing Jessie Diggins after she earned silver in the first race of 2017 Nordic World Championships, the freestyle sprint, in Lahti, Finland.

Contributing Reporter:

FS survives because of the enthusiasm and loyalty of our readers, and if you find yourself an avid fan of the site with a desire to write — even if it is just a few times a month — then this is for you! We compensate contributing reporters with equipment or gear perks based on the amount of work they’re able to complete over a season.

We need volunteer contributors in a variety of areas, from weekend to on-site reporting on some of the biggest events in nordic and biathlon racing, to regional contributors (i.e. Canada, and in the U.S., regions like the Midwest, Alaska, etc.). And if you specialize in biathlon or nordic combined, we certainly have a place for you on the FS team.

Must have a computer with reliable internet, desire to pitch story ideas and contribute on an as-needed basis, strong written and communication skills, and the ability to proofread your own work. Contributors will work with an editor on all assignments and projects, and will be asked to assist other FS team members at times.

Interested candidates should send resume and cover letter to info@fasterskier.com, with the subject line: “Part-time reporter” or “Contributing reporter”.


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