Toko: American Birkebeiner Wax Recommendations – Updated!

TokoFebruary 19, 2014

Cable to Hayward, WI Saturday, February 22

8 A.M. first wave
54K Classic, 50K Skate Point to point, wave start

Forecast/Conditions: Strong winds on Friday. Overnight low -4F, 8 A.M. temperature near zero F, 14 by noon. Moderate winds with

gusts into the upper teens, mostly cloudy. A 100 percent chance of several inches of fresh snow on Thursday.

Glidewax: Apply LF Blue, scrape and brush, then apply HF Blue, sprinkle on X-cold powder, iron in together, scrape and brush. Finish

by rotocorking JetStream Blue, brush with a dedicated nylon polishing brush and polish with a thermopad. This is for Birkie and Korte, Skate and Classic.

Gripwax: Roughen base with 150 grit sandpaper, iron in Nordic Base Wax Green, cork smooth, let cool. Then apply multiple thin layers of Nordic GripWax Blue, corking between layers.

Structure: A fine linear structure covered by one pass with the Blue Structurite tool (before JetStream application) will best suit these conditions.

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Check the WaxTip page at before all of your races for the latest waxing information. The Toko Race Wax Tips offer racers precise waxing advice on how to make your skis perform optimally for a given event. For racers who don’t have top end waxes, skip the Fluorocarbon (JetStream) and substitute the LF or NF wax of the same color (Yellow, Red or Blue). For those who do not have a rotocork for applying JetStream, the next best thing is to iron it in. To see optimal application procedures for both Glidewax and Gripwax, go to

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