Collegiate Options beyond NCAA Skiing

FasterSkierJuly 3, 2004

Solid arguments have been made to help answer the question of whether to attend an East Coast or West Coast school with a NCAA team ( ), but there are of course other factors to consider. Such as, what happens when a school you have your eyes on doesn’t have an NCAA team? Are you out of luck? Relegated to get your skinny-ski fix by going on weekend trips with gator and fishscale sporting members of the college outing club? Are you doomed to have to leave the excitement, fun, and challenge of racing with a school team forever? Never fear, USCSA is here! The United States Collegiate Ski and Snowboard Association is like the sister of NCAA competition, allowing students from currently 250 schools nationwide to continue to, or even begin Nordic ski racing. to find a list of schools that have USCSA teams, as well as instructions on how you can start a team at your school. So wherever you are, or wherever you end up, don’t give up on racing in college.


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