Have You Tried SOLDA HPO5 Yet?

FasterSkierNovember 15, 2004

It pays off in races.

Product Information From SOLDA Ski Wax and The importer TorbjornSport ( www.torbjornsport.com )

SOLDA HP05 Powder and Spray
HPO5 is our all-time favorite race wax. It’s an extremely popular wax for colder snow below 25 degrees with medium to high humidity (>40%).  Also great when you have a mix of new snow and old snow, and/or man-made snow.  We often mix it with SOLDA Warm Fluor when it’s humid/moist snow and warmer than 25F.


For application guidelines: http://www.torbjornsport.com/SOLDA/waxTips.html

For savings on wax: http://www.torbjornsport.com/store/specials.html


To receive SOLDA catalog and order-form send email to: info@torbjornsport.com with you name and mailing address


 Source: TorbjornSport


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