FasterSkier Launches Billy Demong Blog

FasterSkierJuly 24, 2008

Billy Demong – one of the top Nordic Combined skiers in the world – has joined FasterSkier as a blogger. Billy finished last season ranked third overall on the World Cup, the best finish ever by a US Nordic Combined athlete. He took six World Cup podiums, including a win during the season.

Writes Billy in his blog intro:

“I am really excited to share my stories about life on the World Cup, and even more so the road to getting there. I’ve been racing Nordic since I was 5 and loving every day on skis since. The great part about Nordic skiing is that we get to train in such a variety of ways, from the weightroom and XC trails to epic hikes and torturous bike adventures. Makes for great stories and fast races come December! So check back to find out how Nordic Combined skiers take on X-training and life on the road.”

You can visit Billy Demong's blog:


Read more about him on his “About” page:


We are very excited to have Billy D blogging on FasterSkier! He will bring another unique perspective on cross-country ski racing and training.

Additionally we have made some minor changes to the organization of the blogs. There are now two categories – “Featured” and “Other.” Featured blogs are written by high profile athletes and programs or contain content that appeal to a wide audience. Those writing in the “Other” section may not be have the credentials of the “Featured” bloggers, but their stories and commentary are no less interesting. Be sure to check in on these blogs as well, including another new blogger – Nat Herz, a skier for Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. Nat will bring the perspective of an aspiring collegiate racer to the blogosphere. Visit Nat's blog at . “Other” blogs are accessible from the FasterSkier blog home ( ) at the bottom of the page, and at the bottom of the left nav on any blog page.


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