Morrisville, VT – Each year in November, we offer SkiErg users the opportunity to “race” with others around the world during the SkiErg World Sprints. If you’re an on-snow skier waiting for the snow to fall, this is a great way to pass the time. If you’re not a skier but just like the challenge of setting a personal best on the SkiErg—here’s your chance. No matter what your inspiration, we hope you’ll join us for the 3rd Annual SkiErg World Sprints Indoor Skiing Competition.
This 1000 meter race will be held November 11-13, 2011 at locations throughout the world. The comparable, repeatable results of the SkiErg Performance Monitor allow anyone with access to a Concept2 SkiErg to race against others on a fair, measurable “course.”
The event is open to anyone who’d like to join the fun. If you’d like to host a race, please email for more information.
Can’t travel to a Sprints location? If you have your own SkiErg, you can join in from your home! You can even invite friends and teammates over to join you. Pre-set the Performance Monitor for a 1000 meter piece and “race” any time between November 11-13, 2011. Submit your time to the Concept2 Online Logbook to be included in the official race results.
Concept2 will award prizes for overall men’s and women’s winners, and the top three finishers in each age group and gender. We hope you’ll join the fun!
Concept2 was founded in 1976 by Dick and Peter Dreissigacker. After competing internationally in the sport of rowing, the two brothers designed the first carbon fiber racing oars, and then went on to create the world’s first air resistance indoor rower. Living in northern Vermont, they quickly adopted Nordic skiing as terrific cross-training for rowing and a great way to enjoy winters in the north country. The SkiErg, launched in 2009, builds upon Concept2’s years of experience in designing and manufacturing high-performance training equipment. For more information about Concept2, visit